Museum of Nintendo


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Nintendo is a Japanese company that found in 1889, over 100 years ago. It Is one of the world’s largest video game company as well. They are well-known for their innovative gaming consoles and video game series (including Mario and Pokemon).

The reason why I choose Nintendo as the theme of my museum, is because kids nowadays are growing up with iPhones and computers, but I am growing up with Nintendo’s games and their consoles, especially Gameboy, NDS and Pokemon. I would like to show although the visual quality of the Nintendo games these days might improved, but the joyfulness from Nintendo’s games are still the same.

The exhibition will be a show room in a timeline format, exhibiting both gaming consoles (Gameboy/ Nintendo Entertainment System/ NDS/ Wii/ Switch), characters (Mario/ Pokemon/ Kirby/ Donkey Kong/ Zelda).
As the exhibition will be in the timeline format, it will be showing the Timeline of Nintendo (separated into years, from 1889 to now, each have a theme). For example: 2017 is about latest Nintendo Switch.
Game room will be at the end in order to let the newer generation to experience gaming with older generation consoles, and let the adults to recall their memory of playing Nintendo games with joy when they were young.
The target audiences will be gamers and family. As for family, it will be the Parents share their stories about having fun with Nintendo in the past to their children.
The overall style will be simple and in grey as  main colour tone, since the gaming consoles are in mostly grey. Along with the signature red of Nintendo, to show how special they are as the red will be bold among the grey. Beside those, the design will be featuring buttons of gaming controls, such as the direction button and the ABXY buttons.
Beside creating the name card, letterhead and envelope, I have created a white cap as the additional Non-stationery application. Therefore the visitors can show their identity as a Nintendo fan, when they attend other gaming events, and a cap can wear in any season.

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